“But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him”
The understanding that the Kingdom of God is now, and not just something to look forward to in the future, causes a current reality response. It moves us from simply waiting around for Heaven to eventually come, to joining God in the transforming power and work of His Kingdom now. There is a song in a popular movies that says
“I like to move it, move it.” That’s how I view faith. Faith moves you! As I look through the stories in God’s Word, even the greatest men and women of faith were given a role in the story that God was orchestrating in their lives.
Faith always moves us into action! Abraham, Moses, Joshua, Jonah, Nehemiah, Peter, Paul, and so many others had to go, obey, and open their mouths.
We are called to live courageously and to put action to our faith. You may say, “I’m afraid!” The best way to break fear is to act. It is one thing to pray about a situation. It’s another thing to do something about it.
There is an amazing story in the book of Mark. It’s a story of a paralyzed man who convinced his four friends to take him to Jesus. The friends were probably exhausted and slightly annoyed from carrying him across town to where Jesus was, but the man was determined. When they got there it was too crowded and they couldn’t get in. I can just picture the man telling his friends, “We are not going home until I get my miracle!”
This paralyzed man understood that…
You are often closest to your victory when you face the greatest opposition.
A lot of people would have stopped upon seeing the large crowds. They would have given up and returned to their homes defeated and believing the lie that it wasn’t the Lords will to heal them. This story has caused me to often say, “If you can’t get through the door, go through the roof.”
The paralyzed man did not allow the crowds or any opposition stop him from getting to Jesus. He commanded his friends to take him up to the roof, break through the roof, and lower him down to Jesus! This right here my friends, is faith in action. Jesus was in the middle of His sermon as dust and debris begins to fall. Suddenly, the roof busts open and men appear. As soon as there’s a big enough opening for the paralyzed man to fit through, they lower him down right in front of Jesus.
“When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralytic, “Son, your sins are forgiven you.”
Do you have a faith that God can see? This story tells us that Jesus saw past this mans heart. Jesus saw his action. Faith is not the result of effort, but surrender. It is the fruit of God’s work in us.
So, move your words to action and take some friends with you while you’re at it! Be someone who likes to move it, move it!
Challenge: Move it! Write down one thing that God is calling you to DO and then let your faith move you into action!
Takeaway: It is one thing to pray about a situation. It’s another thing to do something about it.
Movin’ it!