Hopefully, you have heard Lydia's new Christmas song "Tell It Again". It is a powerful anthem with a central message about telling boldly, again and again, the gospel story centered on the redemption of Christ Jesus.. Do not tire of singing Hallelujah! Don't grow weary in showing others the goodness of God. Why would I tire of telling it again and again?
Revelation 4:8 Each of the four living creatures had six wings and was covered with eyes all around, even under its wings. Day and night they never stop saying: “‘Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty,’ who was, and is, and is to come.”
As a pastor I am continually seeking the Lord for a fresh word to give. As a son I am continually looking for daily manna. It is not hard to imagine the angels continually crying Holy, Holy, Holy because they are in Heaven seeing Jesus. This reveals something to us. If we are seeing Jesus; we do not tire of singing praises.
I can't tell you how many times I have heard people say, "I don't feel like worshipping," or "I don't like the songs, and the lights." There is a noticeable pattern of “I” here. Worship is not about me. It is about placing worth upon the one who is worthy. Jesus doesn't need worship for validity. He is confident of who He is. Yet we need it! Worship changes us into the likeness of the one we are worshipping.
So why do the angels not get tired of singing holy and worthy? Because every time they look up they see Him. One gaze upon our Savior and Lord will change your perspective. If you are having a hard time telling of the goodness of God, or even find yourself bored in worship, you are looking at the wrong things.
Do not tire of telling of your redemption. If unredeemed angels do not tire of worshiping then what is my problem? As one who deserves destruction yet has been given eternal life than I should be singing louder, dancing more freely, and praising Jesus with full abandon. Why? Let the redeemed of the Lord "say so!" I love this line from a song we have been singing this year "there is no sound greater than a captive set free."
May our sound to the world not be one of complaining and irritation, but one of redemption and joy!
Tell It Again,