“Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands. ”
Fire is fascinating! Whether it’s the fireplace in my living room or the fire pit on my back patio, I love sitting by the fire. Fire draws us in to its warmth and its light. Have you considered that the fire of the Holy Spirit does exactly the same thing? The Holy Spirit is what draws us to the Lord. It is also the residing presence and power of the Holy Spirit within us that draws men to see the glory of the Lord.
Once a fire is lit, it has to be stoked in order to stay alive.
In the same way we have a responsibility to stir up the gift of God that is on the inside of us. But even before a fire is ignited, there is a process to being ignited. Fire doesn’t just appear. When you turn on a light switch, it’s not magic that turns it on. All this “electrical stuff” is happening behind the scenes. There is a process.
I have two pre-teen boys who get really excited when we allow them to squirt lighter fluid on the fire in the fire pit! The puny little fire suddenly becomes huge, hotter, and burns brighter. This is what happens within us when we fan into flame the gift of the spirit.
“On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. 2 Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. 3 Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. 4 And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability.”
Acts 2 describes for us a “suddenly” moment. Have you ever pictured yourself in the upper room in the midst of this incredible encounter? I visited Jerusalem 5 years ago and worshiped and prayed in the upper room. It was absolutely powerful and surreal.
As Christians we love the “suddenlies” of God. Yet we forget that Acts 1 happened before Acts 2. Acts 1 was part of the process the disciples had to walk through in order to receive the fire of the Holy Spirit.
The disciples had been through quite a process in their three years of living and ministering with Jesus. Their faith had been challenged. Their flesh had been tested. They saw miracles, signs, and wonders performed by Jesus, yet they also lived normal daily life with Jesus. We know one thing for sure - their lives had been radically turned upside down! When the Holy Spirit was poured out in Acts 2 Jesus had already ascended to heaven. Now the disciples had to learn to live without Jesus on the earth in bodily form, but in the form of the power of the Holy Spirit.
Part of this learning for them, and for us today, is recognizing that the gifts of the Holy Spirit are intended for use every single day, and in many different ways! The Holy Spirit was given in order that we may not only live life in full measure, but minister the power of the Holy Spirit to others in full measure!
To stir up the gifts of the Spirit we need to do the following:
FEED THE FIRE: Be filled daily. It’s so important to recognize that coming to the Lord’s table and partaking is up to you. It cannot be done for you. Ask yourself; do I only eat once a week? No! We eat every day, multiple times a day. As a spirit-filled believer you have access to the presence of the Lord at all times. So feed the fire.
WALK IN FIRE: Be intentional to walk in the power of the Spirit every day. This means relying completely on the power of God to help you overcome sin, temptation, live in peace, joy, love and all the fruits of the Spirit, as well as minister to others in whatever way the Holy Spirit desires to use you.
RELEASE THE FIRE: Don’t be afraid to be used by God! As the temple of the Holy Spirit, you are a carrier of His presence. Who wouldn’t want to give away the most amazing gift, let alone receive it? This is the opportunity we have each and every day; to release the fire of God everywhere we go! Another way to release the fire is to walk in the unique anointing God has placed on your life. Be bold to be all God created you to be!
Stir it up,