Creativity is an amazing gift given to us by God, the Master Creator Himself. No matter who you are, you have a special and unique way of expressing creative gifting. Many people assume creative gifts are strictly artistic, like singing, dancing, acting, painting, poetry, etc. However, creativity cannot be limited to artistic expression alone.
I recently heard someone say, “creativity is a perspective, not a personality”. This statement resonated deeply with me. Being an artistically creative person who is around a lot of creatives, I understand how easy it is to categorize someone due to their personality. Creatives are known for stand-out personalities. I’ve even heard it stated that creatives have a certain “swagger”, whatever that means!
The truth is, not all creatives look and act the same. I know stay at home moms dripping in entrepreneurial wisdom and creativity. I know influential marketplace leaders who are constantly pushing creative limits in their careers. I know teenagers innovating fresh ideas for social media content and launching businesses at fifteen years of age. Creativity is not limited to age, season of life, status, or education. Every person on earth is creative because every person on earth has been created in the image of God.
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them. – Ephesians 2:10 NKJV
This Ephesians passage is magnificent to me. I memorized this verse many years ago and have meditated upon it countless times. The first five words, “for we are His workmanship”, brought incredible revelation to me at a time when I was seeking God about my identity. I finally understood after reading this verse repeatedly, that being His masterpiece means I am the greatest expression of Christ’s creativity. Of all things created by God, human beings are the only things created in His image, in His likeness.
God spoke: “Let us make human beings in our image, make them reflecting our nature…” Genesis 1:26 The Message
Our creativity is found in The Creator. Many people put unnecessary pressure upon themselves to create. God is CREATOR. We are CREATIVE.
When we become one with Christ Jesus, the power of His Spirit unleashes His creativity within us. It can be scary and discouraging for a creative when they hit a wall and the inability to create sets in. I believe this feeling of defeat comes when we put the pressure upon ourselves to create. My prayer is that this revelation of God as creator and humans as creatives will release us from the pressure of producing and discover a newfound joy of creativity that flows from the Creator Himself.
Everything we need to create anything on this earth is already provided for us in Christ Jesus.
So then, how do you tap into this creativity that flows directly from God?
1. First, understand that your identity and importance is not wrapped up in what you produce or create, it is in God and Him alone. In Christ, you are enough. Your gifts and abilities are not what make you special. Your gifts and abilities bring glory to God. They reflect His great love and creative genius within you.
2. Worship and praise as you set your attention to creativity. For example, before I write a song, sermon, or jump into a home project, I always worship, pray and thank God for His creativity to be released in me and through me. So, whether you’re writing a budget, drafting a business plan, creating a visual graphic or writing poetry, do it with a heart of worship and thanksgiving.
3. Don’t be afraid to branch out in your creativity and expression. Remember that all forms of creativity are needed because they represent all aspects of God’s creativity.
4. If you’re not having fun, you’re missing the point. Don’t confuse fun with challenge. Don’t stop if you’re being challenged. That’s actually when you need to keep going the most. Stop if you’re not having fun.
5. Work until what you’re doing becomes inspired rather than only working when you feel inspired. This will transition you from a mediocre worker to a good steward of God’s gifts.
Have fun!