Are you aware that a completely new day is set before you today? It is unused! You have been given all the words to use for this day, so use them well. A Norwegian children's song describes it like this: you have been given a stack of blank sheets of paper, and a bunch of crayons! Go ahead - color in your day! It puts the fear of God in me to know that I can walk this day out - really blowing it - if I don't walk it out empowered by the Spirit of God. Truthfully, the choice is mine. The Bible says "This is the Day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!"
Right now, early in the morning, I am choosing my victory in action, speech and attitude. I submit my life to Him who has already planned this day from the beginning of time. I consciously choose to reign in any negative thoughts and think a God-inspired one instead! Did you know that we can actually DO that?
If you are diligent to teach your heart the word of God then your mouth will speak it when you need it.
I have on many occasions experienced waking up with that "knife in your stomach" feeling, and a knowing that something is not resolved in my spirit. In those moments I am once again given a choice. Maybe you have also experienced this. Your heart knows that the "feeling" needs to be laid down before the Burden-bearer, but your mind wants to carry it around. Every part of you wants to feel it, touch it, carry it!
I am so grateful that the Word has a solution for everything...JESUS! He is the answer!
Jesus said, "if you are laboring, bring it to Me! Take MY yoke upon you, and LEARN from Me" (Matthew 11:29-30). Are you kidding Lord? I don't want to LEARN from this, I want THEM to learn from this!
It's in raw moments like this where I can see Jesus sitting in front of me, leaning back on a bench saying, "REALLY INGER", without an ounce of judgement or sarcasm, but graciously giving me an option and opportunity to make my choice.
The choice is obvious of course. Give it to Him. He will fix it His way!
Choose this day whom you will serve. Choose life! Deuteronomy 30:19 says this, "I will call Heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live." Know that when you choose life, you choose HIM!
Choosing life!